Spectacular Art windows

Published: 9 Oct, 2022

Make a statement with stunning laminated art windows

Yes, we can make windows. Art windows are custom designed and laminated, so they are both UV and scratch protected. Perfect for bathrooms, doors, front entrances, internal doors, and privacy windows.

Tui and kowhai design window
Tui design window

We laminate our windows to be either clear or to have an opaque finish. Or clear on one side so that the image is sharp and opaque on the other to make the window into a privacy window; perfect for bathrooms where you still want light but you don’t want people to be able to see in. The above window was designed for a shop window.

Stained glass look
Stained glass look

The clear lamination means you can still see through the glass as in this faux stained glass look. Traditional stained glass isn’t structurally sound and can no longer be used in building projects, but there are ways to get around this and a faux stained glass laminated window achieves this.

privacy window design
Art deco privacy window

Here the opaque laminate prevents people from seeing in while still letting in the light.

art windows at the Headwaters eco-lodge
The Headwaters glass window

Here the picture window functions as a wind block. This commissioned window is located at the popular Headwaters eco-lodge in Glenorchy. Facing north this image gets sun most of the day and so glows continuously when viewed from the south side. Windows like this are carefully designed to fit the space where they will end up.

warehouse window at Mrs Woolies
warehouse window
kea art window
Kea art window design covering the warehouse window

Art windows are also useful for covering up a less-than-pretty window while still letting in light. While hard to photograph to avoid reflections, the above window was commissioned for a new cafe garden area at Mrs Wooly’s general store in Glenorchy

New Art windows

Native bird scene in a verandah art window
Verandah art window

This new art window has been installed on a verandah to block wind while keeping the verandah space light and warm. From the outside, the image gets lit from behind in the morning while in the afternoon the sun shines directly on it making it glow on the inside.

verandah window at night
Verandah window at night

At night the lights on the verandah turn the window into a spectacular display.

Check out our other window designs in our gallery pages.

Design course

Design course

For some time now I've been doing a design course to extend my portfolio and learn new skills. The latest project has been to design an advertising...

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