Skippers Canyon Photo shoot

Published: 23 Sep, 2019

A quick trip up to the Skipper’s canyon turnoff was just the thing I needed to do this morning to get a new series of photos for the splashback image library

This is an amazing area and right on our door step too.

I first went into this area in 2014 while taking my son into the Wakatipu high school branches camp. The road is a bit hair raising to say the least, and annoying as well, mainly because there aren’t that many places to pull over and get some photos. In fact, you are lucky if you can find a place to pull over and let someone coming the other way get past you.

Branches Station in Skippers canyon
Branches station

The road eventually opens up into Branches Station where the High school kids camp for 10 days of outdoor adventure. Some kids love it so much that they return to help out the next years camp.

old cottage in Skippers canyon
Historic cottage at Skippers

The area rich in history as hardy (foolhardy) souls pushed in to this very remote area in search of gold.

The road to skippers
Skippers road

It is certainly up and down country and the narrow dirt road is sometimes impassable due to slips.

Skippers canyon art
Miners cottage Art (on the way in to Skippers Canyon)

This image (above) is a bit of photo art I did inspired by those early mining days

The road to Skippers Canyon
Skippers road

This time I didn’t go very far into the canyon, just far enough to capture the rugged country. This image has been stitched and is nearly 2.5 m long by 900mm high. It has wonderful detail in the tussocks and snow on the distant mountains

Skippers canyon road as a splashback
Skippers road image as a splashback

and of course it also looks great as a splashback

Skippers Canyon Photo shoot 1
canyon as wall art

and pretty good as a piece of wall art as well.

Queenstown from Skippers canyon road
The view of Queenstown from the Skippers road

This is the view you get across to the Remarkables from the Skippers Canyon road.

Queenstown from Skippers road as a splashback
The view of Queenstown from the skippers road as a splashback

which also looks great as a splashback

Check out the image library here

And if you want more details about your own splashback, you can contact us here

Design course

Design course

For some time now I've been doing a design course to extend my portfolio and learn new skills. The latest project has been to design an advertising...

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