Privacy windows and opaque glass

Published: 7 Apr, 2019
Varandah window for privacy

A while ago we built a deck on the front of our house. At the time we wondered about making the end wall into a privacy window but decided against it. We decided we would rather see out in that direction.

We also wanted to put maps into the glass so that we could plan various photo Expeditions (and fishing trips) We used clear film and clear EVA to make our image windows. However, the recent frosts fog up the glass so much that we have an unintended privacy window. For a short time anyway.

not a privacy window

As soon as the sun hits the glass the frost melts and we can see out again. Although it isn’t clear from the photo we can see the maps during the day.

Opaque EVA can make privacy windows

We have the opaque EVA that makes clear glass into a privacy window. These still let in light without being able to see through the window and so are perfect for bathrooms or other windows where you don’t actually want to see the view.

If you are ready to ask about your own custom windows then drop us a line

or give us a ring