Building an awesome library of images on splashbacks.

Published: 4 Feb, 2019
Images on splashbacks
Routeburn track

I’m always on the lookout for more great photos for our library of splashback images. Images on splashbacks need to be high resolution so I took my tripod and camera into the start of the Routeburn track to get some more shots like these. I love the way the sunlight is coming through the trees. It makes a walk through the bush very pleasant especially on a hot day

Images on splashbacks need to be high resolution

With my tripod, I was able to get a series of photos to stitch together for an ultra-high-resolution image that will be able to go on wallpaper and look fantastic even at a close viewing distance.

More info about wall papers to come. We are in the process of testing various papers to come up with a product we’ll be able to offer soon.

Meanwhile, I need to get out and build even bigger images than the ones we already have for the splashback library

If you are interested in your own custom splashback then send us an email

Design course

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